Its slim, stylish design, widescreen and everyone will fall for that. But I still root for CRT. For me, CRT is still the best. Of course LCD technology is catching up with whats lacking but still, the technology is expensive. Plus, the propaganda of the radiation of CRT boost sales on LCD because of the health concern. Heck...we live in radiation everyday and its already part of our modern life. Minimal CRT radiation wont kill you, or getting you a cancer. People should concern more on the smokes of cigaretes and when walking out there on streets. Radiation from handphone is much more serious, and if its not for marketing new evolution of handphone, they wont bring this matter up.Duh~
There is a BIG possibility for me to buy a new PC this May as I will getting my first bonus. Hehhehe~ So I have been thinking, should I change my monitor to LCD? hmm...I'm a CRT lover. Haha. I'm all over CRT. My TV set is still a CRT, my 2nd monitor for my laptop is CRT...some of my friends root for LCD and say I should go for one. it time already?
For me, CRT is better because it can produce better picture. The color and contrast is much better than LCD. Yeah, its bulky, hideous, ugly...but as long as I get better picture it will all be good. I only use laptop since its the only multimedia thingy I have since my student time. And once, I saw my friend connect a CRT to his laptop as his laptop LCD problem and the picture is 10x better. The color, the tone...everything. And thats the moment I totally devote myself for this old technology.
Hehhe. Another thing is, CRT unlike LCD gives clear image no matter from any angle you watch. You can lay down, watch from side, anywhere and the quality is the same, unless you look from the back...Duh~
LCD in the other hand is much more lighter than CRT, and less eye strain compared to CRT. And also consume less power. I dont care much of this though, since the monitor is sticked in only one place and not going to move it around. But thats just where it ends. Good point of LCD is lower power consumption and less eye strain after watching for a period of time. Much more expensive LCD will give good picture quality matching CRT. But still, its the money we are talking about.
People going for LCD to get better graphics are bull and nonsense. Its just a marketing strategy. Even pros will use CRT as LCD is still behind in quality. Try to watch normal videos in those so called HD LCD TV...the image is pathetic. It is sure not something I would pay for. If the meaning to get beautiful picture is to spend every cent of my hard earned money..thats just stupid. Its better to stay with CRT and watch normal quality video with very good picture.
So, for upgrade to LCD during this time...maybe a No no for me. Haha. To upgrade, better make it really satisfying. If its just for the sake of getting LCD because everybody has one...thats just wasting money. For me, an upgrade is something you'll satisfy for a long period...maybe 3-4 years. And with LCD is still expensive ( a good one) I think I'll stick with CRT monitors.
With the same price of LCD, I can get a larger CRT. RM485 for a 17" LCD? hmm...too pricey. Yes, I can get cheaper LCD but in long run, this LCD is getting cheaper and its not worth it haha...wat the heck i'm using large monitor though. hmm..17" or 19" CRT is enough for me. And it will only cost me RM100. guahahahaha
CRT pros:
Better picture, color
Good viewing angle
High refresh rate
CRT cons:
Heavy, bulky, ugly
high power consumption
eye straining after some time
LCD pros:
Lightweight, stylish
low power
less eyestrain
LCD cons:
Have certain resolution
Blur image on fast moving objects
Loss in color quality
Bad viewing angle (not same case for more expensive LCD)
For whole list of Pros and Cons between LCD and CRT, do visit this link here --> HERE
It will totally help if you are deciding between CRT and LCD...for me, CRT all the way~