Mar 11, 2008

Rechargeable Battery?

- Using electronic devices which consume a LOT of energy from battery?
- buying too much batteries drain my pocket

- playing toys which use battery as power supply and needs a lot of batteries

Above probably the main reason one should find something to solve the problem which has been solves years ago. It is simple..use Rechargeable Batteries (RB).

There is wide range of type and brand can be found sold at supermarket, hobby shop or IT outlet.
But one should concern which is the most efficient and cost dynamic when buying the battery. Of course when mentioning R.B i mean the charger as well. You can choose on how is the usage of the battery and the specs suitable for you.

1. Type

Few common type of R.B is lead and sulfuric acid, nickel cadmium (NiCd), (NiMH), nickel metal hydridelithium ion (Li-ion), and lithium ion polymer (Li-ion polymer). But most common found in Malaysia would be nickel metal hydride, NiMH, which is latest and more environmental friendly compared to nickel cadmium.

If u already has the charger, make sure the battery you bought is supported by the charger. Its not the brand that differs the battery but its the type. Charger only able to charge specific type of battery because of the chemical characteristic of each batteries is different one another.

2. Battery capacity

To ensure your device functions long enough for the whole event, make sure the capacity is large enough. For example there is 900mAh, 1200mAh and up to 2700mAh and one with more value has higher capacity.
For example, if you just using for walkman maybe it doesn't consume much energy compared to digital cameras and R.C toys.

Choosing the most flexible amount of capacity also can save your pocket since smaller capacity batteries is less expensive than the larger one. For digital cameras it is advised to use 2500mAh or larger for longer run of the camera. Its more durable thus doesnt have to change the battery often.

3. Charger type

There are various type of charger, traveling charger, mini charger, compact charger which suits everyone needs. Traveler charger for example support different electricity range for those traveling outside the country thus you can just use one charger everywhere around the world. But of course its much more expensive than regular one.

There is also quick charger where it is able to charge 2500mAh battery in just 2 hour!! Whereas mini charger would take 24hours to complete charging, but at very low price.
Choosing the type depends on your usage. If you rarely brings your camera outside you probably just need the mini charger where you can charge the batteries when it is not being used. For those prefer mobility a charger with fastest charging rate is needed.

Choosing the right type definitely will help you saves some money and spend it to buy more rechargeable battery instead.

4. Brand

Brand doesn't concern me. As long the brand fulfill all my requirement for my usage is enough. Although larger named brand such as Energizer and GP Power Banks is much pricier compared to UNiROSS...

Hope this entry can help for those looking answers for choosing/buying recheargeable batteries

= )

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