May 29, 2008

Spirulina and Pig Waste...

Well, few years back Smart Shop through their advert has aggressively increase the popularity of this sea algae. Adding spirulina into a person diet is considered a good thing and act as supplementary food because of its high contains of minerals and such.

That is few years back where the spirulina is cultured in the sea. To reach the demand of the market, they need to do mass production of this algae. One thing that suprises me is that one of the ingredient for its culturing process consists of pig waste, its manure (in other word...pig shit, or najis babi).

Researcher found that spirulina can be used to treat the waste water, and at the same time growing spirulina. I never took spirulina before so i don't care much about it.

I don't know whether the spirulina in the market is in the same species or the particular species is just used to treat the water and not for market. But until further knowledge, its just better if muslim who is still taking spirulina in their daily diet take my advice and stop. You might want to throw out when you read more about its..yucks.. :p

Some info can be found HERE ..and HERE.. or you can just google spirulina pig waste..


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