Sep 10, 2008

I'm living in 90's

Recently I started to feel that I miss the 90's. All the kind of music, series, movies, cartoons and stuff. Those kind of thing in the 90's so much better than it is now.

I grow up with Thundercats, Suria Baja Hitam (Masked Rider), Ultraman, MacGyver, Legend of Condor Lovers, N-Sync, Star Trek and many other that I still remember. Some are still here while some other has ended, like star trek and macgyver. New star trek is not as interesting without Capt Luc Picard, new knight rider with new Kit doesnt interest me much. Air wolf has ended long time ago too. 

I admire old school movies such as Rambo, Rocky, Van Damme, Legend of 1900..the kind of movie that give some spirits and good morale. Even the story is typical, and not as complex as movies nowadays that I found to ridiculous to follow. I will find its very hard to look for movies worth to go to cinema for. 

You can never trust the advertisement. Those ads sounds cool and everything about the movie. Take an example, Deception, a movie that I finished watching in just 10 minutes and delete without second thought.

Even the music now is...haihh. I dont know what kind of music they call music nowadays. I'd prefer metal or rock than latest crappy RnB, hiphop shit nowadays. Tupac or Dr Dre is much better than guys nowadays. Mix in some beat, then rap a little bit and thats their new trend hiphop. Try to tune in FlyFM and you'll know what I mean. I dont even understand Superwoman by Alicia can anyone listen to that...I dont understand. Maybe the brand of the name. As long its by a famous singer, the music they wrote is a new trend and its stylish. 

Yes, you can see my playlist. Someone browsing my music collection might say "You are so not updated"..but who cares. Its my ears. I'd prefer listen to my self-burn cd than opening the radio. 

Oh...the TV series. I cannot stand watching Prison Break. It was so lame it cannot even be compared to The Pretender which is so much better. Series worth following might be Band of Brothers, House M.D and Supernatural still can be accepted. I still remember last time I use to watch Angel, Dark Angel, The Pretender even though its aired late at night. Those series is so much more interesting.

Yep..I admit, I'm old fashioned and I'm still living in the 90's...hehhe


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oldy years ring the bell~ XD