Sep 12, 2008


In past few weeks, I've attended several job interviews, which the result is still unknown. I admit I am pretty excited to know whether I am accepted or not, meaning I'm qualified enough to work for them. If not, I will try harder to find any openings in Malaysia industry market.

I'd rather work in doing maintenance, planning or project than going to R&D department. Probably I don't like to work in rigid environment. Something new in everyday is what excites me.

Comparing one interview to another, each company has their own style. Mostly are relaxed and not too formal, allowing the candidate to perform better in introducing what they capable of. 

To be frank, my first interview was quite bad, as I dont know what infomation should I tell because the interviewer dont do much talking. Only few words and thats it, except when he tells the job scope and about the company...Well, maybe its a good think I was not accepted for that position since the job scope probably doesnt suit me.

My second is much better. I already know what to do. Give out everything about what we learn, tell honestly and just be myself. "Being yourself" probably the best advice for those going for job  interview. Tell whether the skill listed in resume is still fresh or you'll need some time to get it back to be used again. Honestly, I don't know whether what I tell help me or failed me, but I'm pretty sure lying about what you can do is much worse when it comes to real work. 

After going to interview one by one, experience build up and hopefully I can "sell" myself to the company and accepted as an employee anywhere. Treat every interview as a chance to gain experience and be motivated as you aimed to get the job...

Hopes me sharing some of my experience can help others in their future job interview :-)



azie said...

info yg b'manfaat, thnks anyway.

juz wanna kno..mcm mn ko blh g byk interviu in 1 wik,ko tgk add kt paper or ade cable bg th?

azie said...

typo=ads=advetismen, ak prosak bahase

admin said...

erm, apply thru jobstreet je...
rezeki kot.hehe. tapi g interview je...doakan aku dapat pekerjaan tu ye..haha

azie said...
