Dec 26, 2008

Petrol price going down..

Government will revise new petrol price twice every month. But yet I'm still not happy with the result.

Few months back, government give statement that they will float the petrol price as dont want the Malaysian depends too much on subsidy. OK...I agree with it. ONLY IF THE ACTION IS IMPLEMENTED FULLY!!!

Come on, they want to be like other country with different petrol price now and then. The reason for this is for government not to be burdened when petrol price keeps on increasing.

But now, as the petrol crude oil price drops BIG they are not decreasing the petrol price at once. Price is reduced by 10cent each month. This is ridiculous. When they make decision for their own benefit but later on against them...they refuse to follow the rules.

Owh what a shame. I still expect for the consumer to pay much lesser than current price because the crude oil price (if this is what they use to set the petrol price) is waayyy lower than last few years. And price decrease should drop at once, not by 10cents...

Once again, to protect distributers gov take very stoopid decision. Which they did not think a lot when increasing the petrol price up to 78cent at once.


-LB kecewa-

Dec 12, 2008

Google is Good~

Last time I never checked all those stuff that google had. i just love their email because of the simplicity (the reason why I keeps on using gmail in html mode).

Just now while playing around gmail I tried to change it to normal mode (last time I use this mode is around last year, when they are still in beta version and its still not quite good). Next what I found out when using this mode was they have theme included :-D

Well, I chose the underwater view. Nice one, because blue is nice :-D

Next I tried installing Google Desktop (a sidebar on yer desktop actually). Well, I know google had this for a long time already (yet I tested it just now). Whats great is that it has cool clock, plus the clock has day and date and I dont need to double click or anything because its already displayed :-D You can add any google gadgets to your google desktop. There are whole lot more but I just put on few because too much would be messy and inefficient. Whats on my GDesktop is digital clock, gmail, wheather and To Do List.Hehhe~

Gmail can also be accessed directly from the Google Desktop. I really like this feature. Usually I had gmail notifier at my taskbar to tell if there is any new mail coming in. Allowing me to check the sender and title to know the importance whether need to check it soon or later..hahha~

Whats cooler is when u set Google as your homepage. Uh-huh. You can set the top theme (well, the search box to be exact) and its no more plain old boring look :-D

You can choose what to display on the homepage, like gmail, wheather, time n date and also news headlines. Google is so cool. Yahoo is so boring. Hahha..well, I'm not a fan of yahoo except for its fantasy football and live football matchcast. I rarely on my YM or any yahoo application. 

I dont know if Yahoo have same feature, but heck...I like Google. Yahoo have this I think, but the interface is not as interesting as Google. I think I use it last time but didnt continue because its boring and messy. Hahha~

Here is my Google homepage and its sidebar. Click for larger view.

To download and install Google desktop, Click HERE

For google homepage, or iGoogle, you can go HERE

Its worth to try this feature if you use Google features regularly in daily life ;-)



Yup, I was cheated. Remember last time I told about Big Apple Donuts? it goes. As I am excited with the donuts (so does my sister), we read at the box where is their other nearest branch. No way we are driving to KL just to eat those. And some in the list that I remembered well was in Alamanda, Putrajaya. Because Alamanda is quite my usual hangout last time, and since working I rarely go there. Seeing Alamanda listed there make me think that we'll buy their donut next time we went there.

And 2 days ago, Wednesday, after went back from S.Alam to settle some stuff I texted my sister whether she wanted to go to Alamanda so that we can grab some donut ^_^ and sure she is :P

I drop by my house to pick-up my sister and we continue to Alamanda. Its rainy outside and it will be nice to eat some donut and drink coffee, well, thats what I had in mind. We went searching for Big Apple Donuts...just to end up arriving at their lot with big banner on the wall saying "OPENING SOON"!!! T_T

What a day...


Dec 9, 2008

un-boxing Casio and new speaker

Hi, just want to share some pic when me enjoying my time opening my casio and new speaker. Well, new speaker you can say its just cap ayam, china made...never even heard the name of the brand. But still I need to upgrade my old speaker. Sound is decent. Forget those Sonic Gear, Altec Lansing, Logitech...some china made stuff also can produce sound without making me thinking hard on which one I should take home.

Well, this cap ayam speaker gives me 60W RMS, extra output terminal, nice and strong bass (dont care much since I got additional Sony Mini Hifi speaker to be added on, provide extra bass to any subwoofer it attached to) and I can turn the volume knob loud enough without cracking any sound (yes...believe me. even some middle-end altec n sonic gear crack after some level).

Well, havent turn this new speaker full though. Currently 25% speaker knob, 10% master volume, 10% wave volume and full volume for media player...yes...believe me. Its loud enough!! 50% speaker knob turned with same software setting as above already made conversation in my room unclear.

Anyway, here is my speaker setup below my studying table :D

Satelite speaker on top of my old sony speaker. Combined and both working together to produce nice sound when listening to music.

My old sonic gear speaker, wonder where I put it? ;-)

I place it in the livingroom for tv. So we dont need another home theater in my house. I am amazed the good sound produced by my old speaker when used at TV. Sound is nice and loud. Well, my sister satisfied enough to have better sound for her to listen to music and watch movies in front :P

Here is my new casio, unopen box. As promised by the seller.

Got twin sensor, for direction (act as a compass) and thermometer. Now can know where the Kiblat is when going traveling to new places :P

Well, my uncle says he can get at more cheaper price. I'm satisfied enough not to be troubled heading/driving to KL just to get cheaper by tens of ringgit because I can get it at reasonable price without hassle from the internet :P

Ok then...bye. This is just my show off entry...muahahaha.

p/s: no savings for this month. totally broke, damn...
